125 ml soft butter
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
30 ml fresh Parsley, chopped
5 ml Fresh Thyme, shopped
5 ml Fresh basil, chopped
1 rosemary sprig
15 ml Chicken spice
Salt and pepper
1 whole chicken
180 ml white wine
assortment of vegetables to roast eg: onion quarters, baby marrow, turnip and carrots
Put oven on 180C
1. Mix Butter, lemon juice en zest, herbs and spices together.
2. Season chicken with salt and pepper
3. Truss chicken so that there are no joints looses from the body.
4 Rub butter over chicken and place in a roasting pan with white wine
5. Roast for about an hour and spoon juices over chicken every now and then.
6. Add vegetables the last 30-40 min and roast until just soft and chicken cooked