2 chicken fillets
Salt and pepper to taste
2ml dry thyme
5ml paprika
10 ml oil
Oil to fry
1 red onion sliced
2 garlic cloves
30ml soy sauce
180ml dry white wine
15ml honey
15 ml chopped spring onion
1. Score the chicken on the skin side of the fillet
2. Salt the chicken and rub in.
3. Add paprika and thyme and rub into the fillet
4. Fry fillets until light brown and remove from the pan
5. In the same pan, fry the onions lightly
6. Add soy sauce and mix well.
7. Add honey and wine and mix well
8. Place chicken to the pan and simmer for 15 minutes while drizzling the sauce over the chicken.
9. Serve with chopped spring onion as garnish.